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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Health Products / Produk Kesihatan

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Code: CVCO

Price :
RM 40
BND 25

  1. Dihasilkan dari biji-biji Nigella sativa yang dipastikan sudah cukup masak bagi menghasilkan kuantiti minyak yang maksimum.
  2. Diproses secara organic cold-pressed bagi menghasilkan minyak yang bebas dari trace farm chemical, molekul hexane dan juga trans fatty asid. Sementara minyak yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kepanasan yang biasanya mencecah 450 darjah (F) akan merubah keadaan semulajadi molekul minyak dari normal trans fatty asid kepada satu bentuk konfigurasi yang tidak normal dan beracun.
80% (120ml) Minyak Kelapa Dara
20% (30ml) Minyak Dara Habbatus Sauda

Cara Penggunaan :
Dewasa 1 sudu teh pagi & petang. Kanak-kanak 1/2 sudu teh pagi & petang.
Minum selepas makan atau disapu pada kulit dan rambut



*Tidak Sesuai Untuk Ibu yang sedang mengandung.

Dari hasil Kajian Saintifik dan penyelidikan dibuat, menunjukkan gabungan Minyak Kelapa Dara yang kaya dengan Medium Chain Fatty Acids,dan Minyak Habbatus sauda’ yang kaya dengan asid poli lemak tak tepu yang membantu mengeluarka prostaglandin E1 yang fungsinya berkait rapat dengan perkara-perkara berikut, iaitu memperkuat sistem imunasi, memperbaiki metabolisme gula, melindungi dinding perut, Blood Clots, penstabil fungsi otak, penstabil fungsi saraf dan penstabil fungsi jantung. Selain itu, ianya memberikan banyak manfaat dan kelebihan terhadap kesihatan manusia seperti berikut :-

Kecantikan Luaran :
  • Sesuai untuk mengubati sakit kulit seperti kudis, kurap, panau, bersisik, ruam/ruam lampin, luka, tumit pecah, jerawat, telinga bernanah, resdung, batuk kering, sakit kuning dan lain-lain.
  • Membantu mengurangkan berat badan dan kegemukkan berlebihan dengan meningkatkan metabolik.
  • Jika disapu, ia membantu membentuk hambatan kimia pada kulit untuk mengurangkan infeksi serta mencegah garis-garis halus.
  • Mengurangkan gejala psoriasis, eksim dan dermatitis.
  • Melembutkan dan membantu mengurangkan kekeringan dan kekenduran kulit serta memberi perlindungan dari sinaran ultraviolet yang membahayakan kepada kulit anda.
  • Mengurangkan masalah rambut gugur dan kelumumur.

Kesihatan Dalaman :
  • Meningkatkan tenaga dan daya tahan dari segi fizikal dan mental (atlit sukan US & Eropah banyak menggunakannya).
  • Memperbaiki dan mengurangkan masalah kesakitan pencernaan serta penyerapan vitamin-vitamin dan asid amino yang dapat dilarutkan lemak.
  • Melancarkan sekresi insulin dan pengaliran glukosa darah serta mengurangkan risiko diabetis.
  • Mengurangkan stress pada pankreas dan system-sistem enzim dalam tubuh serta membawa fungsi thyroid.
  • Meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium dan magnesium yang membantu perkembangan tulang dan gigi yang kuat. Ia juga, melindungi diri dari serangan osteoprosis.
  • Memperbaiki kinerja dan mencegah risiko sakit jantung kerana minyak ini tida mengandungi kolestrol yang tinggi pada darah.
  • Mencegah atherosclerosis dan stroke serta membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.

Menigkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh :
  • Mengandungi dan membantu fungsi sistem daya tahan pada tubuh, melindungi tubuh dari kanser, seperti kanser payudara dan kanser colon.
  • Berfungsi sebagai antioksidan seta mengurangkan radang kronik.
  • Membantu melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas yang berbahaya yang meningkatkan tahap penuaan dan penyakit degeneratif.
  • Meredakan gejala-gejala yang dihubungkan degan benign ”Prostatic Hyperplasia” (pembesaran prostate).
  • Mengurangkan tekanan epileptis dan membantu melindungi tubuh kita dari penyakit ginjal dan infeksi kandung kemih.
  • Membantu mencegah sakit Lever dan memiliki kandungan kalori yang lebih rendah berbanding lemak0lemak yang lain.

Membunuh Virus, Bakteria dan Kulat :
  • Membunuh virus yang menyebabkan Mononucleosis, Influenza, Hepatitis C, cacar air dan Herpes.
  • Membunuh bacteria yang menyebabkan Pneumonia, sakit telinga, infeksi kerongkong, gigi berlubang, keracunan makanan, infeksi saluran kencing, Meningitis dan Gonorrhea.
  • Membunuh kulat yang menyebabkan Cabdida, Jock Itch, kadas dan infeksi yang lain.
  • Melemahkan dan membunuh cacing pita, lice, giardia dan parasit.

Hubungan Suami Isteri :
  • Menyegarkan dan merawat sel kulit menjadi lebih tegang (elastik).
  • Memperbaiki kandungan asid dalam rahim untuk sperma subur, serta bertindak sebagai agen pelincir alami (natural).
  • Membunuh kulat, bakteria, virus dan sakit kulit pada kemaluan (seperti keputhan).

Nota : Anda digalakkan mencuba menyapu seluruh badan suami & isteri dengan minyak ini sebelum/semasa perhubungan kelamin, bagi isteri disapukan pada bahagian dalaman isteri @ alat sulit suami supaya lebih sugar bugar. Insyallah anda akan menempuh satu pengalaman yang menakjubkan.

Berikut adalah khasiat dan keupayaan penyembuhan Habbatus sauda’ secara spesifik ke atas jenis-jenis sakit dan teleh dibuktikan secara saintifik serta ujian klinikal :
  • Kepala
  • Dada
  • Perut
  • Pinggang-kaki
  • Sakit kepala, Sakit Telinga
  • Radang Dada
  • Batu karang
  • Gout
  • Sakit gigi, Gusi Berdarah
  • Juandice
  • Batu hempedu
  • Keampuhan lelaki
  • Migraine
  • Batuk
  • Gastrik
  • Melancarkan peredaran haid
  • Kelemumur
  • Batuk kering
  • Ulser
  • Mencergaskan seksual
  • Kelumpuhan muka (facial palsy)
  • Bronkial asthma
  • Kardiak asthma
  • Merawat sisitem Penghadaman
  • Sakit puan (mestris, ophoritis, indomeferitis
  • Amnesia
  • Paru-paru berair
  • Senggugut
  • Pengeluar kahak (expectorant)
  • Degupan jantung (palpitation)
  • Memusnah organisma dlm Hati,limpa & buah pinggang
  • Sakit tuan (Premature ejaculation)
  • Mencerdaskan mental
  • Menambah susu ibu
  • Membunuh Parasit
  • Buasir (Haemorrhoids)
  • Selsema
  • Merawat sistem pernafasan
  • Chronic dysentry
  • Lumpuh
  • Katarak
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Cirit birit
  • Anti Kulat
  • Radang gusi
  • Memperbaiki kontur buah dada
  • Colic
  • Anti Bakteria, Anti Oksidan

  • Dewasa : 1 sudu teh
  • Kanak2 : ½ sudu teh
  • Pagi & petang selepas makan atau untuk kegunaan luaran (disapukan pada kulit,rambut dll).

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For further inquiries, please contact / inbox Us : Swarna Bio-Asli

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Code: VCOA
Price :
RM 80
BND 45


Our product processed from quality coconut oil and organic Sabak Bernam

“Virgin coconut oil stand strong oil as most salutary that can you use. It containing nutritional value and really valuable research treasure. I indeed really want that you use virgin coconut oil as a part from your plan nutrition's daily”.

Dr. Mark Atkinson, Holistic Medical Physician
BBS Bsc (Hons) FRIPHH FCMA BETD SAC DIP (Clinical Nutrition)

Processed by natural without heat and other chemical. Discovered at least 9 type fatty acid (Medium Chain Fat) namely caproic acid, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, stearic, oleic and linoleum. Science study show it very useful to human health either baby, children, old man or woman. Suitable to be drink, swept to all body skin, can make brilliantine or can be used during with husband and wife ' relationship with smear him on the whole body.

Virgin Coconut oil is the best use to soften and cure dry skin and slack. When to wiped it, skin seem oily. Yet because of his nature have been absorbed easily it not leave fatty thin layer like most lotion and oil commercial. A fact of greatness virgin coconut oil over with lotion is it not only get softens the skin as lotion, but it cope dispel dead skin cell layer beside can drive new growth network that healthier

Many people certify that when applied to skin virgin coconut oil help prevent sunshine hotly (UV protection), until get help from interference like development skin cancer and whitehead because advantage ultraviolet. Crease and dry skin also caused of sunshine that too much. Virgin coconut oil also help protect skin from sunlight to damage until the body by the slow can adapt in case stated until finally may withhold to light increasingly larger. Unlike sunscreen, virgin coconut oil malfunction pursue light ultraviolet, yet facilitate body to shakedown by experience for sunlight sting, until able to increase tolerance level tandem with pass time. Yet because of different skin type, tolerance level everyone also different.

Why virgin coconut oil can stimulate remedial and recovery? This affairs because metabolic influence those owned MCFA to cell. Cellular activity, including wound healing , arranged by metabolism. When high metabolic amount, cellular activity speed up and process as remedial network hurt, poison elimination, damaged cell aggression or death cell with new cell which does to high activity. Then, his process of healing can be quickened because MCFA gives quick energy source to cell for improve metabolic and remedial ability.

The specific benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil is his ability reduce inflammation, namely get reduce inflammation chronic skin only a few days. In a study which was reported by Dr. S Sadeghi etc, pointed out that virgin coconut oil get reduce chemicals pro inflammation in the body. They suggest that virgin coconut oil use to medication serious inflammation a number of diseases. If virgin coconut oil take in nutrition, his remedies' features like those happen on the skin also occurs inside the body. Disruption that be relate with inflammation especially in channel gastrointestinal as colitis, boil, hepatitis and hemorrhoids, already remediable with the virgin coconut oil. This oil may also help reduce inflammation in the other part of body like saw to multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and inflammation to tube pulse (phlebitis) that cause hardening artery and myocardial infarction.

From description above describe that virgin coconut oil which are used in or outside body, has give many health benefit that really stunning.


Why drink Virgin Coconut Oil?
  • Sinus & Alergy
  • Crack to heel feet
  • Accidents wound, wound and sore
  • Metabolism and Energy
  • Dandruff and hair fall
  • Protection from disease
  • Dump excess fat- Obesity
  • Substance digestion and absorption
  • Mother during pregnancy
  • Ulcer and constipated
  • Mother and baby -milk
  • Acute myocardial infarction deterrent
  • Mother's milk & MCFA
  • High blood
  • Diabetes
  • Scar on skin (give birth)
  • Chronic Tiredness & Asthma
  • Ageless
  • Cancer
  • Skin elasticity
  • AIDS Treatment
  • Protect and treat skin
  • Others Research

Metabolism and Energy :
When a person ever experienced serious or too serious car accident until should sent rushed to hospital and need to undergo treatment in emergency room, or seize disease that threaten his / her life, or say in connection with with age diopname to cure degenerative a disruption. In the situation that life or dead greatly dependent to treatment accept in the hospital. Often should depend through artery or through fund. At emergency unit maybe there was other patient, who suffer complication because race illnesses like cystic fibrosis or epilepsy and premature baby fight for his / her first weeks life. Many patient get belief to recover by using virgin coconut oil. Yes, in one form, virgin coconut oil become part of his / her remedy.

Neglected it's content, remedial need a good nutrition. Many nutrition member see the usefulness nutrition of MCFA for a long time. Virgin coconut oil was an alternative, use in the hospital as mixture of milk to feed to the baby, or as lactation dilution those included to the body patient through infus or through fund those included through throat. In case of emergency when commercial dilution not found, doctor in the district tropical climate will use coconut milk. Often considered as “ coconut milk “ water fresh coconut free from bacteria and have salt mineral, sugar and tamarind chain fatty on (MCFA) able to give substance to a patient incapable of taking or digest common food. Coconut water reported already save the life hundreds of serious ill people and who are hurt. In among greatest benefit is fight dehydration and electrolyte depletion to troops hurt. During II World War Japanese use water coconut as solution in state of emergency.

Issue may rise why they why use it? This is because MCFA in coconut milk will be digested easily, absorbed and used only to provide substance in the body. This is important to a patient who use each balance source of strength to tackle ill or serious wound. Not surprise why MCFA added in formula baby. In fact drink breast milk water or given eat formula as baby is mean MCFA consumption. This is because MCFA not only found on coconut oil also is component breast milk water and important, MCFA considered as essential substance for baby and also for people who are seize digestive disorder as cystic fibrostic. One of the MCFA's benefit know academically for the first time is it's unique feature easily digested and used by the body. This fat pay nutrition benefit that can improve good overall well-being for sick people nor healthy people, young or old. Even many of athlete use it to improve the appearance and operate of heavy body. At this moment only some food contains MCFA. Need to be known that best resource is coconut. Added virgin coconut oil to food actually one way to improve well-being.
Protection from disease

One of the mother's milk feature is ability to protect his baby from contagious disease during baby body immunity system not yet perfect and not yet able to defend his person immaculately. Substance antimicrobial in milk protect child from bacteria and parasite is MCFA which occur in triglyceride or fat molecule in milk. For adult, disease will can be fought with immunity system healthy body. With the meaning another disease will difficult to develop. While for baby not protected by enough MCFA in milk that he / she drink, then there will susceptible towards infection and might earn critical risky transmission disease.

When mother whose suckle been infected by those disease, her child were also hit by the disease. Mother whose infected by virus can spread infection to his baby through lactation. Lactation not organized when mother infected virus dangerous like AIDS. Researcher suggest that the mother include acid resource laureate, as coconut oil, in food will get risk lower to spread disease for baby she milked. Added coconut to food would be beneficial because it will pay acid addition laureate and acid caprate to mother's milk, felled at lessen virus contagion risk. To the mother infected by HIV usually not recommended to sulk their baby because worried that the virus may be spread. In fact to some woman at several country there's no choice because economic factor which did not allow them. Lactation would be the one of their choice. They are suggested to increase coconut and coconut oil product into their food. Adding this products to mother food is the only way for a women to not spread AIDS virus to her child.

Recommended that the mother infected by HIV while nursing his child used 24-28 grams / acid day laurate and 3–4 grams / acid day caprate to prevent the virus spread. This is because coconut oil contained almost 48 % acid laurate and 7 % acid caprate. This condition only would be achieved if mother used 50-55 grams coconut oil daily. Then take 3.5 ladle coconut oil daily will be enough.

Other viral infection as virus infection cause smallpox water, herpes, mononucleosis and other also is a threaten to the baby whose are suckle. Pregnant women and mother suckle can help protect her child by eating a lot coconut oil or coconut product contain coconut oil, like coconut milk.

Mother or mother in future even want healthy baby and growth perfectly will consider this oil added to her food. This not only will ensure good health for her child but also beneficial to herself.

MCFA is substance material and vital protector vital found on breast milk. MCFA very effective to kill AIDS virus, it also very good to provide substance to the premature baby to grow healthy. To the moment human have grown up and old, body would start downward his condition. At the moment that way MCFA able to give substance beside the protection, either for contagious disease nor degenerative disease, same as those happen for baby which pay substance and protect the baby, although the baby will not having degenerative process. As a conclusion, coconut oil give much benefit to them whose extremely young and extremely old.
Substance digestion and absorption

Over 50 year researchers has identified that digested MCFA is different from other fat. This difference have important application for remedial of digestive disorder and metabolic and since that MCFA used routinely in the hospital and in infant formula.

Well-being benefit digestion of medium chain fatty (MCFA) or long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) is contact with variations of body system to metabolize this fat. Because of smaller molecules, it only need fewer and smaller energy enzyme to split it for digestion, then being dissolved and absorbed quickly with a minimum energy.

MCFA broke directly by the enzyme in the water spit and toss acid until enzyme digested pancreatic fat will not much struggle. Then process happened at pancreas and digestion system are more less. This situation have important influence to patient with a digestive and metabolic disorder. Premature infant or baby ill especially less developed on organ digestion, would be able absorb MCFA with sufficiently, rather than other fat which will through the system without much can be digested. Therefore people who are seize digestive disorder as cystic fibrosis will discover difficulty on digest or absorb fat and vitamin which can be soluble in fat, unlike having MCFA. MCFA also important for people who are seize diabetes, obesity, ill bladder, pancreatic, Crohn disease, inadequacy pancreatic and several form of cancer.

To the moment pass over old age body will not functioning so good unlike at young age. Pancreas is no longer produce many digestive enzyme, bowel not absorb substance material nicely. All digestion process ebb until it's lower in efficiency. Consequently, old people often suffer vitamin deficiency and mineral have to add MCFA in their in food because MCFA have been digested easily and improve digestion vitamin and mineral. This easy to do if their food made with from virgin coconut oil.

Unlike other fatty acid, MCFA absorbed directly from the intestines into tube back portal and goes directly to the heart where a large part will be burn as fuel as carbohydrate. In this matter MCFA more easy burnt as carbohydrate rather than other fat.

Other fat need pancreatic enzyme to split it into smaller units. It will be absorbed into intestinal wall and in fat package (lipid) and those proteins named lipopotenis. Lipoprotein these brought by the lymphatic system , then circulated to the whole body. To the moment it move in the blood, fat component will be divided into whole body network. Lipoprotein becomes small and increasingly small, until few remain. When it takes by the liver, it will be break and used to make energy if required, am being shuffled into other lipoprotein and return back into the blood stream to send it to the whole body. Cholesterol, saturated fat, non monosaturated fat and non saturated poly fat all it jointly arranged in lipoprotein, enter in the heart and are transformed into energy until it never keep as body fat.

In every cell have a organ whose name mitochondria. Energy that is required by the cell to carry out it's function role by mitochondria. Mitochondria divide in two membrane cell which need specific enzyme to carry substance material to get through over it. MCFA is unique where it easily can penetrate second mitochondria membrane without need enzyme and will give quick energy and efficient to cell. Longer fatty acid chain need specific enzyme to pull it through two cell membrane. It's process of energy production is more slower, furthermore it need enzyme to do it.

Because of it's benefit, virgin coconut oil are considered to be life salvage to a lot of people, especially to the baby and old people. As remedy it used in specific food preparation to people who been seized pollution disruption and get difficulty on digest a fat. As a same reason, it can also be used in infant formula to cure undernourishment because it can absorbed quickly without place digested level easily and used only to provide body nutrition.

Eating the food which contains MCFA is like use high fuel octant for a car. The car will accelerates faster and get more kilometer distance / gas better. That's how it happened, with MCFA body work more because had more energy and more big body's immunity, because MCFA channeled directly to the heart and are transformed into energy, body will get energy addition. Because MCFA easily adsorbed by energy producer cell organ, metabolic increase by itself. Finally this energy increase will predominate stimulation on the whole body.

Fact that MCFA digested directly to generate energy and stimulate metabolic have been intriguing many athlete to utilize it as improving exercise target. Present research shown this true possible. For example, many investigator try mice physicals endurance which given MCFA to daily food over mice not give MCFA. This scrutiny widen unto more from six weeks. Mice instruct to attempt endurance swimming each two day. Stationed to a reservoir water with fixed current. Time total swim measure until suffocation. For the first time only little difference in among mouse group, mice given to eat MCFA quickly first dazzled mice other and much better in all the time experiment. Study such this demonstrate that MCFA have ability enhance endurance and training appearance, at least on mice. In the another study use athlete cycling. The athlete cycle bicycle at 70% from his maximum's speed for two hours, then direct ceases at time attempt 40 K (that last an extra hour) drink either one of three beverages: MCFA's solution, beverages sport or beverages combination sport with MCFA. Athlete drink beverage mix MCFA best appearance attempt time. Researchers theorize that MCFA gives additional energy source to athlete, issue glycogen fund (energy is kept in network muscle), will completely been used during three hour. More glycogen in the muscle the more athlete endurance. Then any substance can keep glycogen will beneficial for athlete endurance. In a scan follow-up to try out glycogen production theory, participants cycling to 60 maxima strength for three hours and drink one from three drink those given before this. Based on same training, glycogen rate muscle measure and proven equivalent to all athlete. In short MCFA is not issue glycogen fund, but improve appearance. Appearance repair not related with issuance of glycogen and should be connected with another mechanism.

Revenue from this scrutiny many drinks sport and energy drink those sold in health shops contain MCFA to respond quick energy source. Regularly used MCFA to beverages athletic and beverages energy in oil medium chain triglycerides (MCT's oil) form. It usually indicate as “MCT” in the label, supplement label and infant formula label. Athlete and other active person are going to find nutrition method, not medicine to improve training appearance begin using it.

Yet, in scrutiny daily, the result more significant. And this evidence see that the best way to improve energy and endurance is by consumed MCFA to daily food and not only once only before or during competition.

Easy understood why many athlete attracted to get bigger endurance and energy. However for who is not athlete, MFCA can also doing same matter. If eaten by orderly, MCFA able to provide an increasing of energy and all day work. If consider tired in middle of the afternoon or feel shortage of energy, adding coconut oil to food will pay energy increasing of energy more than he / she needed.

Beside adding energy rate, other importance benefit for increasing metabolic figure which help protect from illness and accelerate the remedial. To the moment metabolic am being improved, cell would function over efficient. This mean it will cure wound more faster, old cell and cell get disease will replace faster and young cell developed quickly to replace old cell.

Several health intervention such as obesity, acute myocardial infarction and osteroclerosis easier happen to a people with low metabolic. Health condition will worse if figure of metabolic is lower than metabolic normal, because cell can never cure and turn over a new leaf quickly. Then increasing of metabolic figure, give increasing of protection increase from degenerative disease and contagious disease.

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Code: VCOP

Price :
RM 40
BND 25

VCOA dan VCOP merupakan produk yang sama. Perbezaan kedua-duanya hanyalah pada amount 500ml (VCOA) dan 150ml (VCOP).

Code: GOUT
Price :
RM 70
BND 40

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Price :
RM 50 
BND 30



Price :
RM 40
BND 25


Containing active ingredient that very importance to body system :

1- Flavonoid

These materials confirmed capable help :
* Help enhance memory
* Improve mind concentration
* Control Nitric Oxide and blood circulation
* Control oxidants LDL (evil cholesterol ) and reduce high-blood-pressure.
* Launch effectiveness vitamin C in Anti-Oxide network

2- Tannins
3- Triterpenoids
4- Proanthocyanins
5- Phenols

Functioned for :
* Reduce fatigue
* Improve blood circulation
* To issue body toxin
* Solve fat and remove cholesterol in the blood
* Improve focus force and memory
* Diabetes
* High blood
* Weak heart
* Waist paint
* Enhance husband and wife sexual desire
* Strengthen couple muscle sir and madam

Containing nutritious active ingredient steviosid

Functioned for :
* Sweetener without calorie
* Reduce blood pressure
* Diabetes (sugar without calorie)
* Decrease body weight
* Decrease inflammation

Containing power ingredient like :
1- Cirsimaritin
2- Myoinositol
3- Orthosiphon
4- Pillion
5- Rhamnasin
6- Bmlt oioidsalvigenin
7- Kerotinoid
8- Keratin
9- Flavanoid
10- Glukosid
11- Glikoprotein
12- Terpenoid
13- Saponin

Functioned for :
* Diabetes
* High Blood (Hypertension)
* Avoid tract infection urinate
* Avoid coral (urinate comfortable)
* Stimulate health prostate
* Encourage testheron hormone
* Help remove uric acid (gout)
* Arthritis
* Rheumatic
* Nephritis
* Arteriosclerosis
* Reduce cholesterol rate
* Launch blood circulation
* Reduce cardiovascular disease
* Anti cancer
* Acute myocardial infarction
* Stimulate immunes system

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For further inquiries, please contact / inbox Us : Swarna Bio-Asli

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BIO-REST Aroma Terapi - Resdung (30ml)


Price :
RM 40
BND 25


Testimoni 1:-
En.Saufi Choa Abdullah,staff Bioasli " Best betul rasanya bila lepas gunakan Bio-Rest ni. Rasa lapang,pernafasan jadi lancar dan segar. Tak pernah saya rasa macam ni. Saya bekerja dari 8.00pagi hingga 6.00petang dan biasanya bila balik kerja pasti badan rasa tak selesa. Kepala rasa berat dengan beban-beban kerja dan pernafasan jadi tidak teratur kerana keletihan. Tetapi setelah Biosli memperkenalkan produk terbaru ini,saya menjadi orang pertama yang tidak sabar untuk mencubanya dan saya terus sambar satu bila telah di pasarkan. Balik rumah saje,saya ambil semangkuk air panas dan tuala,titiskan beberapa Bio-Rest dan buat macam yang di ajar di manual pengguna yang telah di sertakan sama. Selepas lebih sepuluh minit,saya rasa lain macam. Rasa yang tidak dapat di gambarkan kepada orang lain. Rasa seperti di satu padang lapang yang menyamankan dan tenang. Kepala terasa ringan seperti baru bangun tidur. Tiada lagi stress kerja dan keletihan".

Testimoni 2 :-
En Kamarudin dari Kluang,Johor merakamkan testimoninya melalui perbualan telefon dengan staff Bioasli pada 11/5/2010,jam 10.45pagi." Saya sebenarnya pada permulaan tidak berapa percaya dengan kesan-kesan serta merta yang akan dirasai setelah menggunakan Bio-Rest ni. Tetapi setelah saya mencubanya sendiri di rumah,barulah saya tahu apa yang di perkatakan oleh Pengarah Urusan Bioasli tu adalah benar. Perkara pertama yang saya rasai setelah menggunakan aromaterapi ini adalah wajah atau muka saya terasa segar dan berseri-seri macam lepas dapat rawatan dari spa yang berharga ratusan ringgit. Selain itu saya dapat rasai pernafasan saya jadi lancar tidak tersekat-sekat lagi macam orang yang selalu berjoging apabila membuat sebarang kerja. Ketika tidur pula,dengkuran saya menjadi berkurang dan insyaAllah akan hilang jikalau saya kerap menggunakan Bio-Rest ni. Apa yang saya ceritakan ni hanya saya sendiri dapat rasainya. Kalau anda nak rasa macam apa yang saya rasa, anda kenalah cuba sendiri Bio-Rest ni.".

Testimoni 3:-
Cik Norahasliza penghidap resdung mengalami pengalaman baru setelah menggunakan Bio-Rest." Lepas dah gunakan Bio-Rest ni,pada muka saya terasa lain sekali. Terasa seperti kotoran/bakteria resdung tu mahu keluar dan terasa pedih sedikit. Lendir-lendir kotor pun keluar sama tapi lepas beberapa minit,perubahan lain pula terasa di mana muka jadi segar dan selesa. Segar sungguh rasanya dan bila tidur jadi sangat lena dan tiada gangguan ketika bernafas,menjadi lancar dan puas. Seronok betullah macam ni. Rugi kalau tak guna".

Testimoni 4:- Resdung
Kebiasaanya untuk rawatan resdung ini apabila di pusat-pusat kecantikan seperti spa dan pusat kecantikan, mereka membuat rawatan menggunakan kaedah asap. Dengan bioasli ini, ia menggunakan kaedah wap dan pesakit mudah menggunakannya kerana produk ini boleh dibawa kemana-mana dan sesuai untuk di gunakan seisi keluarga.

Pesakit yang saya jumpa ini mengalami masalah jerawat yang banyak di bahagian pipi dan dahi yang disebabkan oleh resdung. Pada mulanya saya syorkan menggunakan BIOREST ini untuk masalah hidung beliau yang sering tersumbat. Lebih kurang seminggu beliau mengamalkan kaedah rawatan wap dengan menggunakan BIOREST, hidung beliau tidak tersumbat lagi, malah pernafasan menjadi lancar dan jerawat di muka juga berkurangan. Ini bermakna, selain dapat melegakan penafasan ia juga dapat merawat kulit dari dalam.

Kebanyakan pesakit resdung ini, pada tiap-tiap pagi mereka akan mengalami simpton-simpton seperti bersin serta gatal di bahagian hidung dan mata. Bagi mengelakkan perkara ini terus berlarutan, saya mensyorkan mereka membuat rawatan wap dengan BIOREST pada setiap pagi sebelum mandi dan pada waktu malam sebelum masuk tidur serta menjadikannya sebagai rutin harian untuk melegakan pernafasan dan mengurangkan alahan yang terjadi.
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RM 40
BND 25

Ingredients :
80% Virgin Coconut Oil
20% Black Seed Oil

Instruction :

Adult :Take 1 spoon twice daily
Children : Take 1/2 spoon, twice daily

Indication :
Suitable to drink, applied to skin, can make brilliantine or can be used during husband and wife relationship by applying it to the whole body.


  1. Produce from Nigella Sativa seeds that it had been confirmed ripe enough to develop the maximum quantity of the of oil.
  2. Processed by organic cold pressed to produce oil free from traces of farm chemical, hexane molecule and also trans fatty acid. While oil produced using customary heat reaching 450 degree (F) will change the molecule of the natural oil from normal trans fatty acid to form a configuration that is not normal and toxic.
80% (120ml) Virgin Coconut Oil
20% (30ml)-Black Seed virgin Oil

Adult 1 teaspoon morning & evening. Children 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening.
Drink after meal or apply to the skin and hair

*Not suitable for mother pregnancy.

From the Scientific Study and research made, shows that the combination of virgin coconut oil which is rich in Medium Chain Fatty Acids, and Black Seed Oil which is rich in poly unsaturated fat helps to generate prostaglandin E1, Its function is closely related with following matters, namely to strengthen the immune system, improve sugar metabolism, protect the stomach wall, prevent blood clot, brain function stabilizer, nerve function stabilizer and heart function stabilizer. Apart from that, it gives many benefits and advantages to human health which are as follows :-

External Beauty :
  • Suitable for treating illnesses such as skin infection, scurvy, ringworm, scales, rashes, wound, cracked heel, pimple, bleeding ears, sinusitis , tuberculosis, yellow fever etc.
  • Helps to reduce body weight by increasing metabolism
  • It helps to form chemical obstacle if apply on the skin to prevent infection, prevent fine lines.
  • Decrease psoriasis symptom, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Soften and reduce dryness and skin laxity and protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Reduce the problem hair loss and dandruff.

Internal Health :
  • Increase energy and physical and mental endurance (sport athletes of US & Europe use it)
  • Improve and reduce digestion pain problem and enhance thee absorption of vitamins and amino acid soluble in fat.
  • Enhances insulin secretion and blood glucose flow and reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Decrease stress on pancreas and enzyme systems in the body and enhance thyroid function
  • Increase calcium and magnesium absorption that helps to develop strong bone and teeth. It also protects the body from osteoporosis.
  • Improve gland and prevent the risk of heart disease because this oil does not cause high cholesterol in the blood.
  • Prevent atherosclerosis and stroke and helps lower high-blood-pressure.

Increase body endurance :
  • Enhance the function of the endurance system of the body, protect the body from cancer such as breast cancer and colon cancer.
  • Function as an antioxidant and reduce chronic inflammation
  • Helps to protect the body from dangerous free radicals that accelerate aging and degenerative disease
  • Reduce symptoms connected with ”Prostatic Hyperplasia” (expansion of the prostate).
  • Decrease epileptics pressure and helps to protect our body from kidney disease and control the infection of the testicles.
  • Help prevent liver diseases and having calorie content that is lower than other fats

Kill viruses, bacteria and fungus :
  • Kills viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, chickenpox and herpes
  • Kills bacteria that cause of Pneumonia, earache, throat infection, teeth riddle, food poisoning, infection of the urinary tract, Meningitis and Gonorrhea.
  • Kill fungus that cause of Cabdida, Jack Itch, ringworm and other infections
  • Weaken and kill tapeworm, lice, giardia and parasite
  • Kill fungus, bacteria and viruses

Husband and wife relationship :
  • Refreshing and treat the skin cells to gradually tighten it and become more supple.
  • Improve acid content in the womb to fertilize the sperm, act with as a natural lubricant.
  • Kill fungus, bacteria, viruses and skin diseases of genitals (whitish discharge).

Note : You are encouraged try and gently rub the whole husband's/wife 's body with this oil before/ after intercourse, for the wife apply to internally @ husband to the penis. You will have a wonderful experience.

Following are the nutrition and advantages Black Seed specifically related to the type of ailments and it was scientifically and clinically proven.
  • Head
  • Chest
  • Stomach
  • Waist-feet
  • Migraine, earache
  • Inflammation
  • Coral stone
  • Gout
  • Toothache, bleeding gum
  • Jaundice
  • Bile stone
  • enhance man's hardness
  • Migraine
  • Cough
  • Gastric
  • Smoothen menstrual recycle
  • Dandruff
  • tuberculosis
  • Ulcer
  • sexually arouse
  • Facial palsy
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Cardiac asthma
  • Treat digestion system
  • Mistress, ophoritis, indomeferitis
  • Amnesia
  • watery lung
  • Dysmenorrheal
  • Expectorant
  • Palpitation
  • Destroy organism in heart, liver and kidney
  • Premature ejaculation
  • enhance intelligence
  • Increase mother-milk
  • Murder parasite
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Influenza
  • Treat respiratory system
  • Chronic dysentery
  • paralyses
  • Cataract
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Diarrhea
  • Anti-fungus
  • Gum inflammation
  • Improve breast contour
  • Colic
  • Anti bacteria, Anti oxidant

For more information about this product, pls go to :

To buy our products Online, pls go to :

To register as Bio-Asli member :

For more inquiries, pls contact : Swarna Bio-Asli

  1. Dihasilkan dari biji-biji Nigella sativa yang dipastikan sudah cukup masak bagi menghasilkan kuantiti minyak yang maksimum.
  2. Diproses secara organic cold-pressed bagi menghasilkan minyak yang bebas dari trace farm chemical, molekul hexane dan juga trans fatty asid. Sementara minyak yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kepanasan yang biasanya mencecah 450 darjah (F) akan merubah keadaan semulajadi molekul minyak dari normal trans fatty asid kepada satu bentuk konfigurasi yang tidak normal dan beracun.

80% (120ml) Minyak Kelapa Dara
20% (30ml) Minyak Dara Habbatus Sauda

Cara Penggunaan :
Dewasa 1 sudu teh pagi & petang. Kanak-kanak 1/2 sudu teh pagi & petang.
Minum selepas makan atau disapu pada kulit dan rambut

*Tidak Sesuai Untuk Ibu yang sedang mengandung.

Dari hasil Kajian Saintifik dan penyelidikan dibuat, menunjukkan gabungan Minyak Kelapa Dara yang kaya dengan Medium Chain Fatty Acids,dan Minyak Habbatus sauda’ yang kaya dengan asid poli lemak tak tepu yang membantu mengeluarka prostaglandin E1 yang fungsinya berkait rapat dengan perkara-perkara berikut, iaitu memperkuat sistem imunasi, memperbaiki metabolisme gula, melindungi dinding perut, Blood Clots, penstabil fungsi otak, penstabil fungsi saraf dan penstabil fungsi jantung. Selain itu, ianya memberikan banyak manfaat dan kelebihan terhadap kesihatan manusia seperti berikut :-

Kecantikan Luaran :
  • Sesuai untuk mengubati sakit kulit seperti kudis, kurap, panau, bersisik, ruam/ruam lampin, luka, tumit pecah, jerawat, telinga bernanah, resdung, batuk kering, sakit kuning dan lain-lain.
  • Membantu mengurangkan berat badan dan kegemukkan berlebihan dengan meningkatkan metabolik.
  • Jika disapu, ia membantu membentuk hambatan kimia pada kulit untuk mengurangkan infeksi serta mencegah garis-garis halus.
  • Mengurangkan gejala psoriasis, eksim dan dermatitis.
  • Melembutkan dan membantu mengurangkan kekeringan dan kekenduran kulit serta memberi perlindungan dari sinaran ultraviolet yang membahayakan kepada kulit anda.
  • Mengurangkan masalah rambut gugur dan kelumumur.

Kesihatan Dalaman :
  • Meningkatkan tenaga dan daya tahan dari segi fizikal dan mental (atlit sukan US & Eropah banyak menggunakannya).
  • Memperbaiki dan mengurangkan masalah kesakitan pencernaan serta penyerapan vitamin-vitamin dan asid amino yang dapat dilarutkan lemak.
  • Melancarkan sekresi insulin dan pengaliran glukosa darah serta mengurangkan risiko diabetis.
  • Mengurangkan stress pada pankreas dan system-sistem enzim dalam tubuh serta membawa fungsi thyroid.
  • Meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium dan magnesium yang membantu perkembangan tulang dan gigi yang kuat. Ia juga, melindungi diri dari serangan osteoprosis.
  • Memperbaiki kinerja dan mencegah risiko sakit jantung kerana minyak ini tida mengandungi kolestrol yang tinggi pada darah.
  • Mencegah atherosclerosis dan stroke serta membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.

Menigkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh :
  • Mengandungi dan membantu fungsi sistem daya tahan pada tubuh, melindungi tubuh dari kanser, seperti kanser payudara dan kanser colon.
  • Berfungsi sebagai antioksidan seta mengurangkan radang kronik.
  • Membantu melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas yang berbahaya yang meningkatkan tahap penuaan dan penyakit degeneratif.
  • Meredakan gejala-gejala yang dihubungkan degan benign ”Prostatic Hyperplasia” (pembesaran prostate).
  • Mengurangkan tekanan epileptis dan membantu melindungi tubuh kita dari penyakit ginjal dan infeksi kandung kemih.
  • Membantu mencegah sakit Lever dan memiliki kandungan kalori yang lebih rendah berbanding lemak0lemak yang lain.

Membunuh Virus, Bakteria dan Kulat :
  • Membunuh virus yang menyebabkan Mononucleosis, Influenza, Hepatitis C, cacar air dan Herpes.
  • Membunuh bacteria yang menyebabkan Pneumonia, sakit telinga, infeksi kerongkong, gigi berlubang, keracunan makanan, infeksi saluran kencing, Meningitis dan Gonorrhea.
  • Membunuh kulat yang menyebabkan Cabdida, Jock Itch, kadas dan infeksi yang lain.
  • Melemahkan dan membunuh cacing pita, lice, giardia dan parasit.

Hubungan Suami Isteri :
  • Menyegarkan dan merawat sel kulit menjadi lebih tegang (elastik).
  • Memperbaiki kandungan asid dalam rahim untuk sperma subur, serta bertindak sebagai agen pelincir alami (natural).
  • Membunuh kulat, bakteria, virus dan sakit kulit pada kemaluan (seperti keputhan).

Nota : Anda digalakkan mencuba menyapu seluruh badan suami & isteri dengan minyak ini sebelum/semasa perhubungan kelamin, bagi isteri disapukan pada bahagian dalaman isteri @ alat sulit suami supaya lebih sugar bugar. Insyallah anda akan menempuh satu pengalaman yang menakjubkan.

Berikut adalah khasiat dan keupayaan penyembuhan Habbatus sauda’ secara spesifik ke atas jenis-jenis sakit dan teleh dibuktikan secara saintifik serta ujian klinikal.
  • Kepala
  • Dada
  • Perut
  • Pinggang-kaki
  • Sakit kepala, Sakit Telinga
  • Radang
  • Batu karang
  • Gout
  • Sakit gigi, Gusi Berdarah
  • Juandice
  • Batu hempedu
  • Keampuhan lelaki
  • Migraine
  • Batuk
  • Gastrik
  • Melancarkan peredaran haid
  • Kelemumur
  • Batuk kering
  • Ulser
  • Mencergaskan seksual
  • Kelumpuhan muka (facial palsy)
  • Bronkial asthma
  • Kardiak asthma
  • Merawat sisitem Penghadaman
  • Sakit puan (mestris, ophoritis, indomeferitis
  • Amnesia
  • Paru-paru berair
  • Senggugut
  • Pengeluar kahak (expectorant)
  • Degupan jantung (palpitation)
  • Memusnah organisma dlm Hati,limpa & buah pinggang
  • Sakit tuan (Premature ejaculation)
  • Mencerdaskan mental
  • Menambah susu ibu
  • Membunuh Parasit
  • Buasir (Haemorrhoids)
  • Selsema
  • Merawat sistem pernafasan
  • Chronic dysentry
  • Lumpuh
  • Katarak
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Cirit birit
  • Anti Kulat
  • Radang gusi
  • Memperbaiki kontur buah dada
  • Colic
  • Anti Bakteria, Anti Oksidan

  • Dewasa : 1 sudu teh
  • Kanak2 : ½ sudu teh
  • Pagi & petang selepas makan atau untuk kegunaan luaran (disapukan pada kulit,rambut dll).

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Utk keterangan lebih lanjut tentang Bio-Asli, sila hubungi / inbox Swarna Bio-Asli

Code: VCOH

Price :
RM 40
BND 25


Processed by natural without heat and other chemical. Discovered at least 9 type fatty acid (Medium Chain Fat) namely caproic acid, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, stearic, oleic and linoleum. Science study show it very useful to human health either baby, children, old man or woman. Suitable to be drink. While natural sweetness already well known will natural nutrition it.

70% - Virgin Coconut Oil & 30% - Honey
Virgin coconut oil (honey)

VCOH-Size 150ml

Note : Virgin Coconut Oil (Honey) its differences cause it just only to drink. His sense sweet beside vitamin's superiority and vitamin natural honey

Virgin Coconut oil is the best use to soften and cure dry skin and slack. When to wiped it, skin seem oily. Yet because of his nature have been absorbed easily it not leave fatty thin layer like most lotion and oil commercial. A fact of greatness virgin coconut oil over with lotion is it not only get softens the skin as lotion, but it cope dispel dead skin cell layer beside can drive new growth network that healthier

Many people certify that when applied to skin virgin coconut oil help prevent sunshine hotly (UV protection), until get help from interference like development skin cancer and whitehead because advantage ultraviolet. Crease and dry skin also caused of sunshine that too much. Virgin coconut oil also help protect skin from sunlight to damage until the body by the slow can adapt in case stated until finally may withhold to light increasingly larger. Unlike sunscreen, virgin coconut oil malfunction pursue light ultraviolet, yet facilitate body to shakedown by experience for sunlight sting, until able to increase tolerance level tandem with pass time. Yet because of different skin type, tolerance level everyone also different.

Why virgin coconut oil can stimulate remedial and recovery? This affairs because metabolic influence those owned MCFA to cell. Cellular activity, including wound healing , arranged by metabolism. When high metabolic amount, cellular activity speed up and process as remedial network hurt, poison elimination, damaged cell aggression or death cell with new cell which does to high activity. Then, his process of healing can be quickened because MCFA gives quick energy source to cell for improve metabolic and remedial ability.

The specific benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil is his ability reduce inflammation, namely get reduce inflammation chronic skin only a few days. In a study which was reported by Dr. S Sadeghi etc, pointed out that virgin coconut oil get reduce chemicals pro inflammation in the body. They suggest that virgin coconut oil use to medication serious inflammation a number of diseases. If virgin coconut oil take in nutrition, his remedies' features like those happen on the skin also occurs inside the body. Disruption that be relate with inflammation especially in channel gastrointestinal as colitis, boil, hepatitis and hemorrhoids, already remediable with the virgin coconut oil. This oil may also help reduce inflammation in the other part of body like saw to multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and inflammation to tube pulse (phlebitis) that cause hardening artery and myocardial infarction.

From description above describe that virgin coconut oil which are used in or outside body, has give many health benefit that really stunning.

From the Scientific Study and research made, show that combination virgin coconut oil is rich with Medium Chain Fatty Acids, it give many benefit and advantage for human health as follows :-

External Beauty :
  • Suitable for treat paint such as skin paint, scurf, ringworm, scaly, rash, wound, broken heel, pimple, bloody ears, sinus , tuberculosis, yellow paint etc
  • Help reduce body weight with the increase metabolic amount
  • Used by the body to produce energy with the choice to be kept as other dieter fats.
  • It help shape chemical obstacle if swept on the skin to reduce infection, prevent fine lines.
  • Reduce psoriasis symptom , enzyme and dermatitis
  • Soften and reduce dryness and skin laxity and protection from radiation ultraviolet.
  • Reduce the problem fallen hair and dandruff r.

Internal Health :
  • Increase energy and endurance physically and mental (sport athlete US & Europe use it)
  • Improve and reduce digestion pain problem and vitamins absorption and amino acid soluble fat.
  • Launch insulin secrecy and blood glucose flow and reduce diabetes risk
  • Decrease stress on pancreas and enzyme systems in the body and bring thyroid function
  • Decrease pain digestion problem and cystic fibrosis
  • Increase calcium absorption and magnesium that help to bone develop and strong teeth. It also protect body from osteoporosis attack.
  • Improve gland and prevent heart disease risk because this oil is not containing high cholesterol in the blood
  • Prevent atherosclerosis and stroke and help lower high-blood-pressure.

Improve body endurance :
  • Containing and help endurance system function in the body, protect the body from cancer such as breast cancer and colon cancer.
  • Function as antioxidant and reduce chronic inflammation
  • Help to protect the body from dangerous free radical that increase aging level and degenerative disease
  • Reduce symptoms connected with ”Prostatic Hyperplasia” (expansion prostate).
  • Decrease epileptics pressure and help to protect our body from kidney disease and contain of seeds infection
  • Help prevent liver disease and has caloric content that lower over other fats
Eliminate virus, bacteria and fungus.
  • Kill virus that cause of mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, chickenpox and herpes
  • Kill bacteria that cause of Pneumonia, earache, throat infection, teeth riddle, food poisoning, infection of the urinary tract, Meningitis and Gonorrhea.
  • Kill fungus that cause of Cabdida, Jock Itch, ringworm and others infection
  • Weaken and murder tapeworm, lice, giardia and parasite

Husband and wife relationship.
  • Refreshing and treat skin cell became gradually more tense (elastic).
  • Improve acid content in the womb to sperm fertile, act with as lubricant experience agent (natural).
  • Murder fungus, bacteria, virus and ill skin to genitals (as whiteness).
Reference : Book “ The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil : Dr. Bruce Fife” and Interne

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For more inquiries, pls contact : Swarna Bio-Asli


Diproses secara semulajadi tanpa haba dan kimia lain. Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 9 jenis asid lemak (Medium Chain Fat) iaitu asid caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, stearic, oleic dan linoleic. Kajian sains menunjukkan ianya amat berguna untuk kesihatan manusia sama ada bayi, kanak-kanak, dewasa warga tua lelaki atau wanita. Sesuai diminum begitu sahaja. Manakala madu asli sudah diketahui umum akan khasiat semulajadinya.

70% - Minyak Kelapa Dara 
30% - Madu
Minyak K. Dara Bermadu
VCOH-Saiz 150ml

Nota : Beza Minyak Kelapa Dara Bermadu ialah ia hanya untuk diminum sahaja. rasanya manis disamping kelebihan zat dan vitamin madu asli

Salah satu penggunaan minyak kelapa dara yang paling baik adalah untuk memperlembut dan menyembuhkan kulit kering dan mengendur. Ketika mula disapukan pada kulit ia kelihatan berminyak. Namun oleh kerana sifatnya yang sangat mudah diserap ia tidak meninggalkan lapisan tipis berlemak seperti kebanyakan losyen dan minyak komersial. Satu hakikat tentang kehebatan minyak kelapa dara berbanding dengan losyen adalah ia bukan sahaja dapat melembutkan kulit seperti losyen, tetapi ia berupaya menghilangkan lapisan sel kulit yang mati disamping dapat mendorong pertumbuhan jaringan baru yang lebih sehat.

Banyak orang memperakui bahawa ketika dipakaikan dikulit minyak kelapa dara membantu mencegah sengatan sinar matahari yang panas, sehingga dapat membantu dari gangguan seperti perkembangan kanser kulit dan jeragat kerana kelebihan cahaya ultraviolet. Pengerutan dan kulit kering boleh juga disebabkan kerana terlalu banyak sinar matahari. Minyak kelapa dara dapat juga membantu melindungi kulit dari cahaya matahari yang merusak sehingga dengan mudah tubuh secara perlahan-lahan dapat beradaptasi dalam keadaan demikian sehingga akhirnya boleh tahan terhadap cahaya yang semakin besar. Tidak seperti sunscreen, minyak kelapa dara tidak berfungsi menghambat cahaya ultraviolet, namun memudahkan tubuh untuk menyesuaikan diri secara alami terhadap sengatan cahaya matahari, sehingga dapat meningkatkan tingkat toleransi seiring dengan berlalunya waktu. Namun oleh kerana jenis kulit yang berbeda, tingkat toleransi setiap orang juga berbeda.

Mengapa minyak kelapa dara mampu merangsang penyembuhan dan pemulihan? Hal ini disebabkan kerana pengaruh metabolik yang dimiliki MCFA pada sel. Aktiviti selular, termasuk penyembuhan luka , diatur oleh metabolisma. Ketika angka metabolik tinggi, aktiviti selular dipercepat dan proses seperti penyembuhan jaringan terluka, penghapusan racun, penyerangan sel rusak atau sel mati dengan sel baru yang dilakukan pada aktiviti yang tinggi. Maka dari itu, proses penyembuhannya dapat dipercepat kerana MCFA memberikan sumber energi yang cepat pada sel untuk meningkatkan metabolik dan kemampuan penyembuhan.

Keistimewaan khusus minyak kelapa dara yang sangat berkesan adalah kemampuannya mengurangi peradangan, iaitu dapat meredakan radang kulit kronik dalam waktu hanya beberapa hari. Dalam satu kajian yang dilapurkan oleh Dr. S. Sadeghi dan lain-lain,menyatakan bahawa minyak kelapa dara dapat menurunkan bahan-bahan kimia pro-peradangan pada tubuh. Mereka menyarankan bahawa minyak kelapa dara sangat berguna pada pengubatan beberapa penyakit peradangan yang parah. Jika minyak kelapa dara di ambil dalam pemakanan, ciri-ciri penyembuhannya sebagaimana yang berlaku pada kulit juga berlaku di dalam tubuh. Gangguan yang berkaitan dengan radang terutama sekali di dalam saluran gastrointestinal seperti colitis, bisul, hepatitis dan hemorrhoids, telah dapat disembuhkan dengan minyak kelapa dara ini. Minyak ini juga mungkin membantu meredakan radang di bahagian tubuh lain seperti terlihat pada multiple sclerosis, arthritis, dan peradangan pada pembuluh nadi (phlebitis) yang bisa menyebabkan pengerasan pembuluh nadi dan sakit jantung.

Dari huraian di atas menjelaskan bahawa minyak kelapa dara yang digunakan di dalam atau diluar tubuh, telah memberikan banyak manfaat kesihatan yang sangat menakjubkan.

Kelebihan Minyak Kelapa Dara Pure dan Bermadu :
Dari hasil penyelidikan dan kajian saintifik yang telah dibuat, menunjukkan Minyak Kelapa Dara yang kaya dengan Medium Chain Fatty Acids, memberikan banyak manfaat dan kelebihan terhadap kesihatan manusia seperti berikut :-
Kecantikan luaran :
  • Sesuai untuk mengubati sakit kulit seperti kudis buta, kurap, panau, bersisik, ruam, ruam lampin, luka, tumit pecah, jerawat , telinga benanah, serta resdung, batuk kering, sakit kuning dan lain-lain
  • Membantu mengurangkan berat badan dan kegemukan berlebihan dengan meningkatkan angka metabolik
  • Digunakan oleh tubuh untuk menghasilkan tenaga dengan pilihan untuk disimpan sebagai lemak-lemak dieter yang lain
  • Jika disapu, ia membantu membentuk hambatan kimia pada kulit untuk mengurangkan infeksi, mencegah garis-garis halus
  • Mengurangkan gejala psoriasis, eksim dan dermatitis
  • Melembutkan dan membantu mengurangkan kekeringan dan kekenduran kulit serta memberi perlindungan dari sinaran ultraviolet yang membahayakan kulit anda.
  • Mengurangkan masalah rambut gugur dan kelemumur.

Kesihatan dalaman :
  • Meningkatkan tenaga dan daya tahan mental dan fizikal (atlit sukan USA & Eropah banyak menggunakannya)
  • Memperbaiki pencernaan dan penyerapan vitamin-vitamin dan asid amino yang dapat dilarutkan lemak
  • Melancarkan sekresi insulin dan pengaliran glukosa darah serta mengurangkan risiko diabetis
  • Mengurangkan stress pada pancreas dan sistem-sistem enzim dalam tubuh serta membawa fungsi thyroid
  • Mengurangkan kesakitan masalah pencernaan dan cystic fibrosis
  • Meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium dan magnesium yang membantu perkembangan tulang dan gigi yang kuat. Ia juga melindungi diri dar serangan osteoprosis
  • Memperbaiki kinerja dan mencegah risiko sakit jantung kerana minyak ini tidak mengandungi kolestrol yang tinggi pada darah
  • Mencegah atherosclerosis dan stroke serta membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi

Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh :
  • Mengandungi dan membantu fungsi sistem daya tahan tubuh, melindungi tubuh dari kaser payudara, kanser colon dan kanser
  • Berfungsi sebagai antioksidan serta mengurangkan radang kronis
  • Membantu melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas yang berbahaya yang mempercepatkan kadar penuaan dan penyakit degeneratif
  • Meredakan gejala-gejala yang dihubungkan dengan benign prostatic hyperplasia (pembesaran prostate)
  • Mengurangkan tekanan epileptis dan membantu melindungi tubuh kita dari penyakit ginjal dan infeksi pundi kencing
  • Membantu mencegah sakit lever dan memiliki kandungan kalori yang lebih rendah berbanding lemak-lemak yang lain

Membunuh virus, bakteria dan kulat.
  • Membunuh virus yang menyebabkan mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, cacar air dan herpes
  • Membunuh bakteria yang menyebabkan pneumonia, sakit telinga, infeksi kerongkong, gigi berlubang, keracunan makanan, infeksi saluran kencing, meningitis dan gonorrhea
  • Membunuh kulat yang menyebabkan candida, jock itch, kadas dan infeksi yang lain
  • Melemahkan dan membunuh cacing pita, lice, giardia, dan parasit

Hubungan suami isteri.

  • Menyegarkan dan merawat sel kulit menjadi lebih tegang (elastik)
  • Memperbaiki kandungan asid dalam rahim untuk sperma subur serta bertindak sebagai agen pelincir alami (natural)
  • Membunuh kulat, bakteria dan virus atau sakit kulit pada kemaluan (seperti keputihan).

Sumber Rujukan: Buku “ The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil : Dr.Bruce Fife” dan Interne

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JUS HERBA MAS MADU (6 botol X 180ml) / HERBS + HONEY JUICE (6 bottles X 180ml)

Code: JHMM

Price :
RM 60
BND 35


MAS MADU HERBAL JUICE (1 Set @ 6 Bottles)

The benefits of Herbs & Instant Energy !!!

Contents :
Ficus Deltoidea + Orthosiphon Stamineus + Black Seed Oil + Rozelle + Pure Honey

MAS COTEK HERB : Ficus deltoidea Mistletoe fig (Moraceae)

Research shows that Ficus Deltoidea consists of 5 active ingredients that are necessities of human body system such as:-

1- Flavonoid
These ingredients are proved capable to :
  • Enhance memory
  • Improve Attention
  • Control the amount of Sodium Dioxide and improve blood flow
  • Control the oxidation of LDL(bad cholesterol) and reduce the high blood pressure
  • Smoothen the efficiency of Vitamin C in the chain of Anti-Oxidant*
2- Tannins
3- Triterpenoids
4- Proanthocyanin
5- Phenols

MISAI KUCING HERB : Orthosiphon stamineus, Benth / Orthosiphon aristatus
Healing power of misai kucing plant is because of its great chemical contents for instance cirsimaritin, myoinositol, orthosiphon, pillion,The rhamnasin, bmlt oioioldsalvigenin, kerotin, kerotinoid, minyak pati, flavanoid, glukosid, glikoprotein, saponin dan terpenoid.The research has found out that it is capable to :-
  • Flush the kidneys and urinary tract as it has mild diuretic property.
  • Act as a filteration in order to remove the commonest waste products such as urea, or stone in the kidney.
  • Replace the potassium lost from the body during urination as it has enough potassium contents.
  • Act as the remedy for other diseases such as diabetes,gout,arthritis,rheumatic and kidney stone disease,besides can prevent the formation of kidney stone and infection in urinary tract, arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders).
  • Reduce the cholesterol level in blood, lower the high blood pressure and relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problem.


The Benefits of Honey :-
  • Assimilated easily by the body
  • Enhancing human energy .
  • Contains all types of sugars that are easily regulated by the kidney.
  • Have laxative effect.
  • Calm the mind and body.


(Habbatul barakah ~ The seed of blessing)

More than 100 active ingredients in the black seed oil

One such study conducted at the Munich Institute for Research on Newer Therapeutic Methods [Münchner Institut zur Erforschung neuer Therapieverfahren] has confirmed by means of the most modern analytic methods that black seed oil contains over 100 active health-promoting substances and displays superior clinical effectiveness as a nutritional supplement.Eventhough the development of science and technology nowadays,the probability of one or more of the active ingredients are combined with the pharmaceutical prescription for the definite objectives and conditions.the ekstract of the black seed oil is probably able to be mixed chemically in order to make it more effective in medication.

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Code: LVCO

Price :
RM 35
BND 23



Weight: 120 gm


for you and your WHOLE FAMILY

Get it Now...!!!

Virgin Coconut Oil, Aqua, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Tryethanolamin, Beeswax Antiseptic Fatty Acids ,Cethyl Alcohol, Perfume, Lanolin, Parafin Wax, Propyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, EDTA, BHT & Olive Oil

Use it everyday

On the 26th May 2008 we launched a new product, virgin coconut oil hand & body lotion and virgin coconut oil natural soap. Specially formulated from virgin coconut oil and rich with Medium Chain Fatty Acids and other ingredients such as vitamin E, A and C. It is free from any chemicals, artificial fragrance, color or preservatives that may cause irritation for sensitive and dry skin. This Medium Chain Fatty Acid will be easily absorb the by skin tissue or cells, promotes cells rejuvenation and retained elasticity of the connective tissue. Further, it protects our skin against ultraviolet excessive damage action and retards degradation process. Virgin Coconut oil Hand & body lotion also has natural antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties which provide a protective layer on our skin and help to facilitate healing of skin conditions such as rashes, acne and other infections. It is formulated as the finest natural skin moisturizer available, leaving your skin soft and smooth with a healthy, youthful appearance. We can assure you that you should feel safe knowing our products are truly hypo-allergenic.

The following are the advantages of using virgin coconut oil hand & body lotion and are proven scientifically through clinical test:

* Hypo-allergenic and safe for sensitive skin
* Promote youthful appearance with anti-wrinkle formula
* Contains natural antioxidants
* Facilitates healing of dry skin, rashes, acne, and other skin conditions with natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal properties
* Nourishes and hydrates skin,leaving it soft and smooth
* Retards ageing process effectively
* Promotes cells rejuvenation and retained elasticity of the connective tissue.
* Protects skin against ultraviolet excessive damage action
* Retards degradation process.
* Regain youthful appearance

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For further inquiries, please contact / inbox Us : Swarna Bio-Asli


Berat: 120 mg



Minyak Kelapa Dara, Aqua, Asid Stearik, Gliserin, Trietanolamin, Beeswax
Asam Lemak Antiseptik, Cethyl Alcohol, Parfum, Lanolin, Parafin Wax, Propil Paraben, Metil Paraben
EDTA, BHT & Minyak Zaitun

Sapukan losyen pada seluruh kulit tangan dan badan pada waktu pagi dan petang

Losyen tangan dan badan Minyak Kelapa Dara merupakan hasil Kajian terbaru yang berada dipasaran pada Mei 2008. Berdasarkan penyelidikan yang dibuat, menunjukkan gabungan ekstra Minyak Kelapa Dara yang kaya dengan Medium Chain Fatty Acids dan beberapa bahan yang kaya dengan vitamin E, A dan C mampu melindungi kulit dari kesan penuaan. Asam lemak antiseptik yang terkandung dalam Losyen Tangan & Badan Minyak Kelapa Dara juga mampu untuk melindungi kulit dari infeksi kulat dan bakteria perosak kulit. Secara asasnya losyen ini diformulasikan untuk penjagaan kulit supaya lebih halus dan cantik, melembut dan menghaluskan kulit, memberi kesegaran dan mengelakkan kedutan kulit, mengatasi masalah kulit kering dan bersisik, menghilangkan gatal-gatal kulit, mampu merawat jerawat dan jeragat.

Berikut adalah khasiat dan kelebihan losyen tangan dan badan minyak kelapa dara dan telah dibuktikan secara saintifik serta ujian klinikal :
- menganjalkan kulit yang telah melendut
- menegangkan dan menghaluskan struktur kulit
- mengurangkan garis-garis halus
- mencerahkan kulit dari dalam dan meratakan warna kulit
- menyihatkan kulit yang tidak bermaya agar kembali berseri
- menghaluskan liang roma dan mengurangkan minyak
- melembutkan kulit - kulit kurang kasar dan kering
- merawat jerawat dari dalam
- mencegah pertumbuhan jerawat muka dan badan
- mencerahkan dan menghilangkan lebam bawah mata
- melambatkan proses penuaan secara berkesan

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Price :
RM 40
BND 25


Our product processed from quality coconut oil and organic Sabak Bernam

“Virgin coconut oil stand strong oil as most salutary that can you use. It containing nutritional value and really valuable research treasure. I indeed really want that you use virgin coconut oil as a part from your plan nutrition's daily”.

Dr. Mark Atkinson, Holistic Medical Physician
BBS Bsc (Hons) FRIPHH FCMA BETD SAC DIP (Clinical Nutrition)

Processed by natural without heat and other chemical. Discovered at least 9 type fatty acid (Medium Chain Fat) namely caproic acid, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, stearic, oleic and linoleum. Science study show it very useful to human health either baby, children, old man or woman. Suitable to be drink, swept to all body skin, can make brilliantine or can be used during with husband and wife ' relationship with smear him on the whole body.

Virgin Coconut oil is the best use to soften and cure dry skin and slack. When to wiped it, skin seem oily. Yet because of his nature have been absorbed easily it not leave fatty thin layer like most lotion and oil commercial. A fact of greatness virgin coconut oil over with lotion is it not only get softens the skin as lotion, but it cope dispel dead skin cell layer beside can drive new growth network that healthier

Many people certify that when applied to skin virgin coconut oil help prevent sunshine hotly (UV protection), until get help from interference like development skin cancer and whitehead because advantage ultraviolet. Crease and dry skin also caused of sunshine that too much. Virgin coconut oil also help protect skin from sunlight to damage until the body by the slow can adapt in case stated until finally may withhold to light increasingly larger. Unlike sunscreen, virgin coconut oil malfunction pursue light ultraviolet, yet facilitate body to shakedown by experience for sunlight sting, until able to increase tolerance level tandem with pass time. Yet because of different skin type, tolerance level everyone also different.

Why virgin coconut oil can stimulate remedial and recovery? This affairs because metabolic influence those owned MCFA to cell. Cellular activity, including wound healing , arranged by metabolism. When high metabolic amount, cellular activity speed up and process as remedial network hurt, poison elimination, damaged cell aggression or death cell with new cell which does to high activity. Then, his process of healing can be quickened because MCFA gives quick energy source to cell for improve metabolic and remedial ability.

The specific benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil is his ability reduce inflammation, namely get reduce inflammation chronic skin only a few days. In a study which was reported by Dr. S Sadeghi etc, pointed out that virgin coconut oil get reduce chemicals pro inflammation in the body. They suggest that virgin coconut oil use to medication serious inflammation a number of diseases. If virgin coconut oil take in nutrition, his remedies' features like those happen on the skin also occurs inside the body. Disruption that be relate with inflammation especially in channel gastrointestinal as colitis, boil, hepatitis and hemorrhoids, already remediable with the virgin coconut oil. This oil may also help reduce inflammation in the other part of body like saw to multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and inflammation to tube pulse (phlebitis) that cause hardening artery and myocardial infarction.

From description above describe that virgin coconut oil which are used in or outside body, has give many health benefit that really stunning.

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